Dealing with Depression Naturally

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Dealing with Depression Naturally by Dr Miriam Kinai teaches you how to manage depression holistically by using the following natural therapies:
1. Apparel therapy
2. Aromatherapy
3. Art therapy
4. Christian Biblical principles
5. Diet therapy
6. Ecotherapy
7. Herbal remedies
8. Home decor therapy
9. Music therapy
10. Physical exercise
11. Self-Psychotherapy
12. Social therapy
13. Talk therapy
14. Vitamins
15. Writing therapy

Dealing with Depression Naturally Book Excerpt

Apparel Therapy for Dealing with Depression
Buy or create as part of your art therapy bright orange bracelets or bangles that match with your earrings and necklaces to inject more color into your wardrobe. In addition, consider buying a watch with a bright orange strap to remind you every time you check the time that you are your way out of the valley of depression. 

Aromatherapy for Dealing with Depression
Create a balancing body massage oil by adding 20 drops (2.5 ml or ½ teaspoons) of rosemary essential oil and 40 drops (5 ml or 1 teaspoon) of lavender essential oil to one cup (8oz or 250 ml) of sweet almond oil or sunflower oil or any other carrier oil of your choice to create a balancing body massage oil.

Art Therapy for Dealing with Depression
Topics for art therapy projects that can help you manage depression include "My current life situation". 
Therefore, express how you feel about your current life situation by creating an original work of expressive art by using one or several forms of artistic expression such as:
a. Drawing sketches

b. Drawing pictures
c. Drawing and coloring regular or abstract pictures with pens and crayons
d. Drawing and painting regular or abstract pictures with water colors or acrylic paints
e. Finger painting

Christian Biblical Principles for Dealing with Depression
Confessing your sins is the 5th principle of Christian Depression Treatment.
Confession of sins is very important in the treatment of depression since guilt is one of its causes.  A perfect example of un-confessed sin being detrimental for mental health is when David committed adultery and murder, for he said “When I kept silent, my bones grew old because of my groaning all day long because Your hand was heavy upon me and my vitality was turned into the drought of summer.” (Psalm 32:3-4) 
Therefore, when dealing with depression, confess all your sins to God, ask Him to forgive you and receive His forgiveness. Learn from David’s situation that if you confess your sins, God will forgive you. 

Diet Therapy for Dealing with Depression
Increase your intake of complex carbohydrates such as whole grain bread, pastry and cereals since they increase the level of serotonin in the body which “soothes the mind” and imparts a feeling of calmness, relaxation and emotional well being.

This may explain why a lot of comfort foods that people tend to reach for when they are feeling sad, lonely, stressed or depressed are carbohydrates. Perfect examples of these foods for depression include chocolate cake, cookies, donuts and potato crisps. 

In addition, we can also see from the Bible that when Elijah was depressed, God sent an angel to wake him up and eat and he found a coal baked bread (most probably whole grain) which he ate and then went back to sleep again. (1 Kings 19:4-6)

Eco-Therapy for Dealing with Depression
Gardening is beneficial for the management of depression as a study revealed that a common soil bacterium, known as Mycobacterium vaccae bacteria, that is inhaled when one is digging in the dirt while gardening, activates the release of serotonin in human brains.

This serotonin causes a feeling of emotional wellbeing and this may be the reason why many gardeners confess that gardening lifts their spirits and helps them feel better.
In addition to this, gardening is also an aerobic exercise that results in the release of endorphins which are the body’s “feel good” hormones. 

Herbal Remedies for Dealing with Depression
Rosemary or Rosmarinus officinalis is one of the best herbs for depression since it has an uplifting and energizing aroma that perfectly counters the lethargy and apathy of depression.
Therefore, add a few fresh sprigs to your roast beef, veal and fish recipes or to your marinades, salads and sauces and even to your warm bath water for a rejuvenating bath.

Home Decor Therapy for Dealing with Depression
Add uplifting color and aroma to your home by buying or making yellow beeswax candles scented with essential oils such as rosemary and grapefruit.

Music Therapy for Dealing with Depression
Medical research suggests that music can decrease blood pressure and heart rates as well as help patients dealing with depression.
The Bible also tells us that music can soothe troubled emotions because when David played his harp, Saul would feel better as the evil spirit would depart from him. (1 Samuel 16:23)

Therefore spend at least 30 minutes listing to soothing music everyday. You can do this while meditating on Scriptures or while walking or when trying to unwind so that you can sleep.

Physical Exercise for Dealing with Depression
Exercises that you can do to help you in dealing with depression include:
Whole body stretch to warm up 
30 min walk at minimum THR
Whole body stretch to cool down

Self-Psychotherapy for Dealing with Depression
When you are feeling down, worried, angry, fearful or any other negative feeling that may aggravate depression, use cognitive restructuring to change your negative thoughts so that you can change your mood.
Always ask these 5 questions to change your blue thoughts into brighter ones:
1. What situation has triggered this feeling?
2. What thoughts did I have during that situation?
3. What rational evidence supports those situational thoughts?
4. What rational evidence does not support those thoughts?
5. What are the balanced thoughts about that situation? 

Social Therapy for Dealing with Depression
Make friends and establish your social support system because Two people are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labor and if one falls down, they other will lift up their companion.(Ecclesiastes 4:9-10)
Therefore, find friends whose company you enjoy and spend time with them to ease the loneliness of depression.  

Talk Therapy for Dealing with Depression
Talking to a therapist whether a psychologist, social worker or Christian counselor can help you understand depression better and help you manage it better by teaching you different coping skills. Therefore book an appointment with a therapist today.

Vitamins for Dealing with Depression
Vitamin B1 deficiency results in fatigue, anxiety and depression. Studies have also shown that increasing Vitamin B1 or thiamine levels in the body can result in an improved mood.
Therefore, if you can’t get enough thiamine from your diet, consider taking a nutritional supplement which contains thiamine as well as all the other B complex vitamins.

Writing Therapy for Dealing with Depression
Express your uncensored feelings on paper since writing therapy has been shown to ease emotional pain by helping a person process and express pain.
Therefore, schedule at least four sessions of 20 minutes each week to write down your emotionally difficult thoughts, feelings, problems and memories. Write without censoring or editing yourself and write until you feel the weight of the depressing issues lifting from your chest. 

Vitamins for Dealing with Depression

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Vitamins for Dealing with Depression by Dr Miriam Kinai teaches you the different nutritional supplements that are beneficial in the management of depression. 

Vitamins for Dealing with Depression Book Excerpt

The B complex vitamins are vital for a person’s physical and mental well being. This group of vital vitamins for depression includes:

a) vitamin B1 or thiamine  
b) vitamin B3 or niacin
c) vitamin B5 or pantothenic acid
d) vitamin B6 or pyridoxine
e) vitamin B9 or folic acid
f) vitamin B12 or cobalamin
Vitamin B1 or Thiamine
Vitamin B1 deficiency results in fatigue, anxiety and depression. Studies have also shown that increasing Vitamin B1 or thiamine levels in the body can result in an improved mood.
Therefore, if you can’t get enough thiamine from your diet, consider taking a nutritional supplement which contains thiamine as well as all the other B complex vitamins.

Vitamin B3 or Niacin
Vitamin B3 deficiency results in lethargy, psychosis and dementia.
Therefore, if you can’t get enough niacin from your diet, consider taking a nutritional supplement which contains niacin as well as all the other B complex vitamins.

Vitamin B5 or Pantothenic acid
Vitamin B5 deficiency results in fatigue and depression.
Therefore, if you can’t get enough pantothenic acid from your diet, consider taking a nutritional supplement which contains it as well as all the other B complex vitamins.

Vitamin B6 or Pyridoxine
Vitamin B6 deficiency results in mood swings and confusion. It is also important in the metabolism of serotonin and dopamine in the body.
Therefore, if you can’t get enough pyridoxine from your diet, consider taking a nutritional supplement which contains it as well as all the other B complex vitamins.

Vitamin B9 or Folic acid
Vitamin B9 deficiency has been associated with depression in some elderly patients.
Therefore, if you can’t get enough folic acid from your diet, consider taking a nutritional supplement which contains it as well as all the other B complex vitamins.

Vitamin B12 or Cobalamine
Studies suggest that vitamin B 12 can ease mood changes since low levels may be linked to depression.
Therefore, increase your dietary intake of vitamin B12 or take a multivitamin which contains vitamin B12 after your doctor has confirmed through a blood test that you have vitamin B 12 deficiency.

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Physical Exercise for Dealing with Depression

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Physical Exercise for Dealing with Depression by Dr Miriam Kinai teaches you the benefits of exercising in the management of depression. It also teaches you the stretching exercises, aerobic exercises and weight bearing exercises you can do in your home without the use of any specialized gym equipment and gives you a 4 week total body exercise plan.

Physical Exercise for Dealing with Depression Book Excerpt

To weight train or strength train correctly you should:
a) Not hold your breath or strain as you train.  
b) Not exercise the same muscle groups for two consecutive days.
c) Aim for 3 sets of 10 repetitions each. 

The following is a list of exercises that you can do at home to strength train your entire body.
1. Overhead Press - (Works shoulders) Sit on a chair; hold a weight (or a full water bottle) in each hand at shoulder level with palms facing forward. Raise your arms straight up over your head. Lower them to shoulder level. 

2. Biceps Curl - (Works biceps) Sit on a chair; hold a weight (or a full water bottle) in each hand palms facing forward. Bend your elbow and lift the weight towards your shoulder. Return to starting position and repeat with the other arm. (Note that your biceps are the muscles on the front of your arm.)

3. Triceps Dips - (Works triceps) Sit on the edge of a sturdy chair with your back and shoulders straight. Hold the edge of a chair and bend your elbows to form a right angle as you lower your butt off the seat to the floor. Straighten your arms and press back up to raise your butt back to the seat. (Note that your triceps are the muscles on the back of your arm.)

4. Push Ups - (Works deltoids, triceps, pectorals) Lie on floor, palms face down, elbows bent next to shoulders. Push up from floor by straightening elbows and contracting abs so that your body forms a straight line from your head to heel (beginners can rest both knees on floor) Lower yourself to floor by bending elbows. Push back up. (Note that your abs or abdominals are the muscles on your stomach.)

5. Simple Straight Crunches - (Works abs) Lie flat on your back; bend knees while keeping your feet flat on the floor. Place your hands on your thighs. Exhale and lift shoulder blades from the floor as you slide your hands up to your knees. Hold for a count of 10. Return to starting position and repeat. 

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Eco-Therapy for Dealing with Depression

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Eco-Therapy for Dealing with Depression by Dr Miriam Kinai teaches you how to incorporate green activities your environment for effective treatment of depression in teenagers as well as in adults coping with depression.

Eco-Therapy for Dealing with Depression Book Excerpt

Gardening is beneficial for the management of depression as a study revealed that a common soil bacterium, known as Mycobacterium vaccae bacteria, that is inhaled when one is digging in the dirt while gardening, activates the release of serotonin in human brains.

This serotonin causes a feeling of emotional wellbeing and this may be the reason why many gardeners confess that gardening lifts their spirits and helps them feel better.
In addition to this, gardening is also an aerobic exercise that results in the release of endorphins which are the body’s “feel good” hormones.

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Dealing with Depression Natural Treatment Program

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Dealing with Depression Natural Treatment Program by Dr Miriam Kinai is a 12 week step by step program that teaches you one simple thing that you can do each day to help you manage depression holistically using the following natural therapies:
1. Apparel therapy
2. Aromatherapy
3. Art therapy
4. Christian principles
5. Diet therapy
6. Eco-therapy
7. Herbal remedies
8. Home decor therapy
9. Music therapy
10. Physical exercise
11. Self-Psychotherapy
12. Social therapy
13. Talk therapy
14. Vitamins
15. Writing therapy

Dealing with Depression Natural Treatment Program Book Excerpt

Day 1 Christian Principle
Schedule time to pray and present your requests about your depressing situation to God. Combine your prayers with reading the Bible and listen to what God has to say to you. Make it a daily habit and make yourself do it even if you do not feel like praying or reading your Bible because we are told to Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. (James 4:8)
Day 2 Diet Therapy
Eat  More Whole Grain Carbohydrates
Increase your intake of complex carbohydrates such as whole grain bread, pastry and cereals since they increase the level of serotonin which is the chemical that “soothes the mind” and imparts a feeling of calmness, relaxation and emotional well being.
Day 3 Writing Therapy
Expressive Writing Therapy
Spend 20 minutes writing down your emotionally difficult thoughts, feelings, problems and memories. Write without censoring or editing yourself and write until you feel the weight of the depressing issues lifting from your chest. Do this every morning in your journal or online in an anonymous blog.
Day 4 Aromatherapy
Aromatherapy Bath
Create a healing bath by dispersing 12 drops of relaxing lavender essential oils or 12 drops of energising rosemary essential oils in your warm bath water.
(Do not use rosemary essential oil if you are pregnant or you have epilepsy or high blood pressure or a a fever or you want to sleep. Do not use lavender essential oil if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.)
Day 5 Physical Exercise
Do The Following Exercises
Whole body stretch to warm up
30 min walk/jog/ run
5 push ups, 5 bicep curls, 5 triceps dips, 5 crunches 
5 squats, 5 lunges, 5 calf raises, 5 crunches
Whole body stretch to cool down
(If you don’t know how to do any of these exercises, purchase Physical Exercise for Dealing with Depression by Dr Miriam Kinai)
Day 6 Social Therapy
Establish Your Social Support System
Create time to meet new friends and establish your social support system because Two people are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labor and if one falls down, they other will lift up their companion.(Ecclesiastes 4:9-10)
Then schedule time to talk to your true friends even if you don’t fell like socializing so that you can reduce the loneliness of depression as well as release painful emotions as you share your feelings with them.
Day 7 Home Decor Therapy
Buy Beeswax Candles
Add uplifting color and aroma to your home by buying or making yellow beeswax candles scented with essential oils such as rosemary and grapefruit.

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Home Decor Therapy for Dealing with Depression

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Home Decor Therapy for Dealing with Depression by Dr Miriam Kinai teaches you how to utilize chromotherapy or color therapy in the management of depression so that you can incorporate cheering decor accents in your home. Colors that are said to be useful in the management of depression include orange and yellow.

Home Decor Therapy for Dealing with Depression Book Excerpt

1. Buy Beeswax Candles
Add uplifting color and aroma to your home by buying or making yellow beeswax candles scented with essential oils such as lemon and grapefruit.

2. Display Flowers and Indoor Plants
Display orange or yellow flowers such as roses in your living space to add color and scent to your home. Showcase them in brightly colored vases that can also serve as decorative pieces by themselves.

Invite potted plants indoors or start your own windowsill container garden to bring in green life. Grow your herbs in brightly colored containers if they do not flower.

Though natural plants will improve the quality of air in your home, you can also buy artificial flowers and plants if you do not have the time or energy to take care of living plants.

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Diet Therapy for Dealing with Depression

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Diet Therapy for Dealing with Depression by Dr Miriam Kinai teaches you how to fight depression using your diet by advising you on the different food items that you can include them in your regular diet since diet therapy is one of the oldest depression self help strategies.

1. Eat more wholegrain carbohydrates
Increase your intake of complex carbohydrates such as whole grain bread, pastry and cereals since they increase the level of serotonin in the body which "soothes the mind" and imparts a feeling of calmness, relaxation and emotional well being.

This may explain why a lot of comfort foods that people tend to reach for when they are feeling sad, lonely, stressed or depressed are carbohydrates. Perfect examples include chocolate cake, cookies, donuts and potato crisps.

In addition, we can also see from the Bible that when Elijah was depressed, God sent an angel to wake him up and eat and he found a coal baked bread (most probably whole grain) which he ate and then went back to sleep again. (1 Kings 19:4-6)

Therefore, eat a whole grain sandwich when feeling down and also before your bed time if you are having trouble falling asleep because of depression as it will increase your serotonin levels which will also help you sleep better.

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Herbal Remedies for Dealing with Depression

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Herbal Remedies for Dealing with Depression by Dr Miriam Kinai teaches you the herbs that are useful for the treatment of depression and how to incorporate them into your diet.

1. Rosemary
Rosemary or Rosmarinus officinalis is one of the best herbs for depression since it has an uplifting and energizing aroma that perfectly counters the lethargy and apathy of depression.

Therefore, add a few fresh sprigs to your roast beef, veal and fish recipes or to your marinades, salads and sauces or to your bath water for a rejuvenating bath.

2. Basil
Basil or Ocimum basilicum is another of the commonly used natural remedies for depression due to its fragrantly sweet aroma, its antiaging antioxidants and its supposedly mood lifting properties.

Therefore, add a few basil leaves to your tomato sauces, vegetable, meat and cheese dishes.

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Music Therapy for Dealing with Depression

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Music Therapy for Dealing with Depression by Dr Miriam Kinai teaches you the different types of music that are beneficial for the management of depression so that you can incorporate them in your lifestyle since music therapy is one of the most enjoyable depression self help strategies for the treatment of depression in teenagers as well as in adults.

1. Sing praises to God
The Bible tells us to put on The garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. (Isaiah 61:3) This means that we should sing praises to God whenever the spirit of heaviness or depression tries to weigh us down.

Therefore, when you are dealing with depression, make it a habit to sing praise songs to God every day. Sing even if you don't feel like singing and continually offer the sacrifice of your praise to God. (Hebrews 13:15) Do this consistently and you will break the spiritual chains of sadness because God is enthroned in the praises (Psalm 22:3) and thus making them a powerful spiritual weapon against depression.

2. Play soft soothing music
Medical research suggests that music can decrease blood pressure and heart rates as well as help patients dealing with depression. The Bible also shows us that music can soothe troubled emotions because when David played his harp, Saul would feel better as the evil spirit would depart from him. (1 Samuel 16:23)

Therefore spend at least 30 minutes each day listening to soothing music. You can do this while meditating on Scriptures or taking an aromatherapeutic bath or while walking or when trying to unwind so that you can sleep.

Writing Therapy for Dealing with Depression

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Writing Therapy for Dealing with Depression teaches you the different types of writing techniques that are beneficial for the management of depression so that you can incorporate them in your lifestyle since writing therapy is one of the simplest natural strategies for the treatment of depression in teenagers as well as in adults.

The different types of Writing Therapy for Dealing with Depression include:
1. Expressive Writing
For example you can express your uncensored feelings on paper since writing therapy has been shown to ease emotional pain by helping a person process and express pain.

Therefore, schedule at least four sessions of 20 minutes each week to write down your emotionally difficult thoughts, feelings, problems and memories. Write without censoring or editing yourself and write until you feel the weight of the depressing issues lifting from your chest.

2. Blogging
Writing therapy can be updated to the 21st century by creating a blog and posting your uncensored thoughts and feelings online without revealing your identity as this can also help you heal from pain and recover from depression. 

Therefore, schedule 20 minutes 4 times a week to post on your blog authentic articles on emotionally difficult topics.

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Talk Therapy for Dealing with Depression

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Talk Therapy for Dealing with Depression by Dr Miriam Kinai teaches you why communicating verbally to different groups of people is beneficial for the management of depression so that you can incorporate talk therapy into your life since it is one of the best depression self help strategies for teenagers as well as adults.


There are different types of talk therapy and these include:
1. Talking to a therapist
Talking to a therapist whether a psychiatrist, psychologist, social worker or Christian counselor is what is commonly know as psychotherapy, and it offers many benefits for the treatment of depression. These include:
1. The therapist can help you understand depression better and help you manage it better by teaching you different coping skills.
2. The therapist can help you identify and rectify negative thought patterns and behaviours so that you can improve your mood.
3. The therapist can help you identify and rectify problems in how to relate with others so that you can improve your interpersonal relationships.
4. The act of talking through your problems to an empathetic therapist is therapeutic because it provides an outlet for toxic repressed emotions.

Therefore, schedule an appointment with a counselor today and begin talking today.

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